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La Venerabile Arciconfraternita dei SS. Ambrogio e Carlo


These are the purposes listed in the Statute of the Archconfraternity:

  • The sanctification of the members , to be achieved through the exercise of religious practices of the Christian virtues , especially humility that forms the crest own and that distinguishes the uniform of the archconfraternity;
  • The conservation and improvement of the Basilica of San Carlo al Corso and the increase of public worship and the decoration of the Basilica;
  • The promotion , for members and their families , initiatives of religious, educational, cultural , social, in various forms and in a spirit of fraternal cooperation with the diocesan community , parish and other Christian associations;    
  • The exercise of charity in favor : The promotion for members and their families, the community life of Lombardi in Rome and its province.
    • any registered the Arch , which were financially needy;
    • the International Ecclesiastical College St. Carlo , for which the Confraternity available free of charge from the Holy See , a part of the property he owned, including supporting its maintenance and the provision of some poor priests of the diocese annual scholarships . This College , promoting the formation of student priests of Lombardy and of the different parts of the world, and continues actualizes concretely in today one of the fundamental characteristics and particular to the work of S. Charles Borromeo : the ongoing formation of the clergy;
    • of particular groups of people or pastoral needs , for which you will be able to provide for appropriate initiatives to welcome and assistance, taking into account the needs of the local and universal Church of Rome;
  • The promotion , for members and their families , the community life of Lombardi in Rome and its province.