The Basilica of SS. Ambrose and Charles on the Corso (Print by Giuseppe Vasi)
iuseppe Vasi. Engraver (Corleone 1710 - Rome 1782). It was formed in Palermo studying architectural design and the techniques of engraving burin and etching. 1736 settled in Rome and started a shop intaglio soon became famous (it was also frequented by GB Piranesi), was in touch with painters and architects (S. Conca, L. Vanvitelli, Fuga F.) and enriched his education with the study of the collection of prints of Cardinal Corsini (especially Venetian engravers and S. Della Bella). He specialized in architectural view, his name is linked to the monumental collection Of the magnificence of ancient and modern Rome (1747-61, 200 tables in 10 books) and the Prospectus Soul's city of Rome from Monte Gianicolo (1765, in 12 sheets) .