Two paintings of Brandi decorate the vault, "The Saints in Glory", and also an excellent stucco work of Fancelli, illustrating the "Angelic Musicians".
The decoration of the chapel on the right, dedicated to the Immaculate Conception, was bequeathed by Cardinal Parravicini in his will. His coat of arms - the swan - can be seen on the bronze shield of the altar. It was completed in 1769, using a design of Paolo Posi that was drawn up ten years earlier. The altar-piece is a mosaic copy of the "Immaculate Conception in the midst of the Doctors of the Church", painted by Carlo Maratta for the Cybo Chapel in the Church of Santa Maria del Popolo. The statue on the left of King David, the ancestor of the Madonna, is the work of the French sculptor, A. Le Brun. The statue on the right representing that of Judith - -prefiguring Mary - was carved by the Tuscan, Pietro Pacilli.
The sumptuous decoration in rare marbles and golden bronzes was used as a model for the Chapel of Blessed Sacrament to the left of the Tribune, constructed by the architect Bazzani in 1929 on the occasion of the priestly jubilee of Pope XI, with marble from quarries of present time. The painting over the altar representing "The Eternal Father with Adoring Angels" was painted between 1627 and 1632 by T. Luini, a student of A. Sacchi. The sculptures are those of Eugenio Maccagnani and Guido Galli.