The Papal Sacristy. Over the Altar in the Sacristy is the painting of "The Immaculate Conception flanked by SS. Ambrose and Charles", a copy of an 18th century altarpiece which was venerated in the Oratory prior to 1627. Underneath rests the original Tabernacle, wrought in rare marbles, of the Altar of the Blessed Sacrament. On the surrounding walls between the portraits of Popes and Cardinals Protectors, is seen the painting of the "Crucifixion" by Claude Mellan.
The Vesting Sacristy. There is also an array of wardrobes around the walls, the work of Pietro Gigli (c. 1682). Over these wardrobes can be seen portraits of Pope, Emperors and Cardinals Protectors of the Basilica. The painting over the Altar is that of "St. Ambrose and two Deacons" by Caravaggino (1st half seventeenth century). Over the doors are two busts in marble of Cardinals "Omodei" and "D'Adda", the work of Cornacchini (18th cent.).